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Special Deals
maxFynd Special Deals & Discounted stock. maxFynd yourself some amazing bargains!
One of two balls is rubbed between the hands. When the user feels a certain difference outlined in t..
True to it's name this little gold pistoler will beep when you point to gold. Only a few grams in we..
This detector is for gold possibilities below the user. Based on Earth Resistance Testers used in G..
Owners of eNigmacams can boost the value of their units by purchasing a number of add-ons. As well a..
The maxFynd EpROX Vehicle Transmitter Combo is compact and effective. Fit this tidy transmi..
A maxFynd World First!
Now you can change that old standard beeper metal detector into a lo..
If you require detection of iron artefacts or structures, manmade copper-based objects (brass-bro..
Easiest way to find gold! Just drop in the balls provided by maxFynd and watch as the designated bal..
A bunch of fiberoptic rods is moved up and down as the user faces areas in search of gold. A black h..
Now, what every goldhunter has been crying out for over the years.
It's the m..
Of immense value to anyone seeking to detect many metals and gems. A digital video system that is de..
An electronic spinning top that will indicate the direction of any gold above or below surface. The ..
We were almost too afraid to show this experimental detector since it might frighten people.
In ..
Looks like a magic trick and it finds gold like magic but it's a genuine detector! And you can just ..
Geosat II Maxim is $3750 USD. It comes with the Chroma program and the eNigmacam function for th..
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